What We Treat

What is Hypnosis?

“Hypnosis, the oldest and most natural mode of healing known to man, is considered to be a potent and safe adjunct to medicine, as well as an effective procedure in psychotherapy. For thousands of years, philosophers and intellectuals have known that thoughts can control the body’s functions & human behavior -that within us all there is the potential to uplift, heal, and inspire others as well as ourselves. Hypnosis is considered to be the best tool to access, mobilize, and actualize this potential.” – Masud Ansari



You can choose how you’d like to experience your sessions!
Meera offers in-person sessions at her office, virtual sessions on zoom, or phone sessions.

Her priority is always focused on your comfort level whether it is a talk therapy session, counselling session, CBT focused session, or clinical hypnosis session.

Yes, anyone can be hypnotized as long as they want to be hypnotized. Compliance is always required. Each person experiences a natural state of hypnosis many times each and every day. Hypnosis is simply focused attention to the subconscious. When you are reading or watching a movie, if you are fully immersed in the story, not thinking with that conscious analytical side of your brain (left hemisphere), you are in hypnosis.

There are many levels of trance in hypnosis that range from the lightest state, called hypnodial state, to a deep anesthesia level, named the Esdaile state, after Dr. James Esdaile, where surgeons perform invasive procedures with only hypnosis for anesthetic, no chemical anesthesia. 

Patients never know whether they will go into a very deep trance state or experience a light or mild state when first hypnotized. It really depends on the level of trust and safety each individual feels with their therapist. Fear inhibits a client’s ability to completely relax and trust the process. It really makes no difference whether a client goes very deep into a somnambulistic state of trance, or remains in a light to medium level. Clients achieve their goals and therapeutic objectives, benefitting regardless of the level of trance they experience during hypnosis. Each time a person is hypnotized they will naturally go deeper into trance since both hemispheres of the brain begin to realize that they are safe and can fully trust the process and their therapist.

Although it may seem like the therapist has complete control over the patient, it is a myth. Since the subconscious is dominant during hypnosis, and its main role is to protect the physical, emotional, and psychological components of the body; it will never follow any suggestions given that it does not agree with on a moral or ethical basis. Either the “critical factor” will wake the patient up immediately, or simply disregard these instructions or suggestions and wait for new suggestions it agrees with. 

You should remember everything that was experienced and said during your session since you are always fully awake during hypnosis, just completely relaxed, yet all attention is focused upon the subconscious part of your mind, the right hemisphere. The term often seen in films and by stage hypnotists of “sleep” could not be further from the truth.

Counselling, talk therapy (psychotherapy), DBT, CBT, and hypnosis sessions are kept to 1 hour sessions. Occasionally a hypnosis session may run 10-15 minutes late, but if this occurs there is no additional charge. My priority is always optimal therapeutic gain and results.

Smoking cessation treatment includes two sessions that utilize and include assessment, counselling, and CBT homework in the first session, and a powerful hypnosis session during the second session.

Treatment for patients with bipolar disorder ranges from 4-6 months, with lifelong follow up sessions, depending on each clients specific case and needs.

Weight loss sessions require a minimum commitment of 8 sessions.

Treatment for all other issues is dependant upon the clients’ specific issues, needs, and goals. This is therapy, so it is not possible to quote a precise number of sessions before the individual assessment has been completed.

You are free and capable to perform any activities including work immediately following your session.

The only instructions I can give would be to stay away from caffeine before your hypnosis session, since it is a stimulant, so counter-productive with relaxation. 

The first 2-3 sessions booked are always assessment and talk therapy. A treatment plan is then created, discussed, and hypnosis sessions follow.

There is no magic! It is, however, extremely effective since hypnotherapy creates focused attention to the subconscious, where each issue is stemming from.

In hypnosis, the client is guided into a deep progressive relaxation of every muscle, we then bypass what’s referred to as the “critical factor” (a gatekeeper that does not allow any new suggestions, ideas, or concepts in to the right hemisphere, the subconscious), and focused attention to the subconscious is achieved. A form of psychotherapy is then incorporated and utilized during hypnosis to achieve the goals each patient has come in to work on. A therapeutic treatment plan is carefully developed that is individual to each patient and their specific goals and objectives that will be openly discussed before any hypnosis sessions occur.

Since you are not asleep, you will always wake up when the therapist gives this suggestion.

We are legally bound to adhere to patient confidentiality regulations. Nothing discussed during your sessions will ever be repeated unless a patient states a clear intention of hurting themselves or others.

We accept debit, all major credit cards, and e-money transfer (if choosing e-money transfer please send 24 hours before each session).

If you have coverage for a Registered Counselling Therapist, Clinical Counsellor, or Clinical Hypnotherapist, your sessions should be covered. However criteria can vary depending on your specific plan, so if you aren’t sure it’s best to check with your insurance provider directly.

We give official receipts following each therapy session for claim reimbursement or medical tax deduction purposes.

24 hour cancellation notice is required. No show fee is the same amount as the total session fee and will be charged.